Hell froze over in Massachusetts Tuesday.
In a dramatic upset that will end Democrats' super majority in the Senate, Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley to claim the seat held by the late Ted Kennedy for more than 46 years. After Brown's victory was announced, the throng of supporters at his campaign headquarters chanted "John Kerry's next."
Defeated Democrats immediately launched their typical game blaming the loss of eat held for so long by Sen. Ted Kennedy on everyone and everything except themselves.
Most of the fingers are pointed at Martha Coakley, the lackluster candidate who ran a lackluster campaign.
As candidates go, Coakley ranks high on any grading curve based on ineptitude. She took the race for granted, went on vacation rather than campaign and considered simple things like shaking hands with voters a boring waste of time.
But this was Massachusetts for God's sake -- land of the liberal and home of the Democratic party: A place where a half-wit in a clown suit could be elected to office as long as he or she ran as a Democrat.
Yes, but that was before Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, et. al took control of the party. That was before Democrats swept into control on Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008 on promises of change and a better way and delivered the same old corruption, the same old lobbyist-dominated way of doing things and the same old "screw the voters, we're in this for ourselves" form of government.
Democrats did it to themselves and they deserved the ass-kicking they received. Voters have buyer's remorse. They're mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore.
Voters want change but change cannot be delivered by politicians who put their party's agenda ahead of the best interests of a nation. Democrats and Republicans may represent different philosophies but they are the same when it comes to governing. They cater to different special interests but it is still those special interests that control each political party and special interests are controlled by money and greed, not public need or a common good.
Democrats lost a valuable Senate seat in Massachusetts Tuesday.
That was their failure.
Voters turned to the only option they had -- a Republican.
That, sadly, is the failure of a political system that can no longer effectively govern America.
Obama Is Putting The Democrats Agenda Before Country. Reminds Me Of Bush
This astonishing Republican win in Massachusetts is a flat-out repudiation of President Barack Obama.
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